I'm full of beans today.... broad beans to be precise. For the last week, I've been feasting on the young beans [about 2 inches in length] lightly steamed in their pods while allowing the other half of the crop to develop in to large pods, from which I will harvest the beans. I've already posted photos of my bean plants and I think they show that planting in early winter, under cover, and frequent attention - picking out shoot tips [which are beautiful steamed] - can lead to a healthy and bountiful crop. This is my first time ever growing beans.

The spud stalks are rapidly growing. Lets hope the tubers are doing the same under ground.

It's time I gave the potato plants a good feed, and comfrey tea is supposed to be excellent.

Onions are coming along nicely

My three sided mini pea hedge [mange tout interplanted with sweet pea] doesn't need much support now but it won't be long before I am securing some branches around the perimeter:

All things considered, things are looking good in the garden. I'll finish with a few flower photos - important for drawing our friends, the honey bees.

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