Saturday, 27 July 2013

My Garden: 27th July

After three full weeks of scorching sun, and temperatures which we are just not used to in this country, Ireland was officially in a drought for the first time I can remember in my adult life. And then the rain came, while the heat remained and the garden just loved it.
My sweetcorn which was stagnant in size for quite a while is coming on and has started to produce the grain.

Carrots looking good enough to eat. Note I have mixed sand into the soil - supposed to be good for carrots. Make sure not to plant in freshly manured ground as it will have the effect of fine foliage but not much root. The root only grows to find food for the plant, so if your soil is too fertile, it will happily sit there enjoying it, rather than working for it!

Onions are swelling:

The beetroot isn’t ready to eat but the leaves provide a very tasty and under-rated salad crop while we wait

The legumes have been my success this year and the pea hedge has been almost stripped bare by us over the last few weeks

But if you search among the jungle of leaves, some fat pods are still there for the taking

But with every success comes a failure and even though I had my hopes pinned on a bumper crop of beautiful tomatoes after last years bounty, I failed miserably with my seedlings and have only two small plants which, although flowering, aren’t filling me with great hope

I planted a range of brassicas including cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprouts but only the latter actually germinated

And last, but not least, some random flowers from around the garden. I had hoped to have alot more to encourage bee population [which is much better than last year] but the weather has been so mixed that they haven’t done as well as I’d hoped [although I suspect some of my seeds were poor quality]

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