The food garden is picking up. It's mainly beans, potatoes and raspberries showing significant growth.The big plant to the front is a flower, Yarrow, which will be good for pollinating insects, who in turn will hopefully repay me by eating the aphids that are certain to attack the beans.

For the longest time it was too early to plant anything outside and all of a sudden, it's May! I planted some peas today and when I was writing the label I noticed the month and thought, finally parsnip time! I had a spot reserved in the same bed as potatoes, carrots and beetroot and I spent a bit of time breaking the soil down to crumbs before sowing the seeds. In a few weeks I'll do another sowing.
Back to the peas, my pea seeds are disappearing. I know birds are a major pest outdoors but even my indoor sowings seems to be evaporating. I'm reading now and wondering if I need to water them more. Anyway the seeds I sowed today (Irish green pea from Brown Envelope Seeds) were put in a window box with an net wrapped around it so if these fail, I'm out of ideas.
I am spotting new carrot seedlings every day, thankfully. I was starting to get worried about my 5 year old seeds.
Beetroot is coming up fine and I successfully transplanted some from seed trays but I fear how much damage the slugs will do. We have a ton of brambles in the garden, I might try laying some down to block easy access. Actually, no time like the present. Be right back......
Okay I did it, beetroot protectors that look like satanic symbols:

My pak choi and wong bok never materialised but I have more planted in seed trays so all is not lost yet. I also have purple sprouting broccoli, leeks, courgettes and cauliflower in trays, slowly germinating.
That's all I can think of. Happy gardening.
Back to the peas, my pea seeds are disappearing. I know birds are a major pest outdoors but even my indoor sowings seems to be evaporating. I'm reading now and wondering if I need to water them more. Anyway the seeds I sowed today (Irish green pea from Brown Envelope Seeds) were put in a window box with an net wrapped around it so if these fail, I'm out of ideas.
I am spotting new carrot seedlings every day, thankfully. I was starting to get worried about my 5 year old seeds.
Beetroot is coming up fine and I successfully transplanted some from seed trays but I fear how much damage the slugs will do. We have a ton of brambles in the garden, I might try laying some down to block easy access. Actually, no time like the present. Be right back......
Okay I did it, beetroot protectors that look like satanic symbols:

My pak choi and wong bok never materialised but I have more planted in seed trays so all is not lost yet. I also have purple sprouting broccoli, leeks, courgettes and cauliflower in trays, slowly germinating.
That's all I can think of. Happy gardening.
Loving the blog, enjoyed my own home grown beetroot last night. Such joy from garden to roasting tin in 1 min.