Thursday, 21 May 2020

Pea Day Battle

Peas are supposed to be easy to grow - and they are - but they can also be difficult! These difficulties, namely stolen seeds (I am watching you pigeons), are easily overcome but I still found myself with an entire row of seeds disappeared. Now before I completely blame the wildlife, I also had seeds that rotted in containers and I'm not sure why. Over-wet conditions is the obvious reasons. I had read that pea seeds need a lot of moisture to germinate but perhaps that is not accurate. The seeds were only a year old so should still have life in them.

Anyway I purchased fresh seeds (Irish Green Pea and Sugar Snap - not easy to obtain with the massive demand at the moment) and sowed another batch outside in a window box which I wrapped in netting. They came up beautifully. This week, when the plants were about 2.5 inches high, I planted them in the same spot as the evaporated seeds and covered them again with the netting by securing it on to the wire frame support that they will grow against.

Then I planted another batch of seeds in the now empty window box and made a protection run for them using another wire frame resting against the already standing one flanked with my potted cherry trees and held in place with containers of potatoes. 

I can just imagine a few hens running in and out that wire run - perhaps the next step for me.

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