Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Homemade Biodegradable Seed Pots

This simple idea of pots made from old newspaper is not only money saving but it allows you to pot on seedlings without disturbing them. The newspaper will quickly rot down in the soil, allowing the seedling to acclimatise nicely to it's new surroundings.

You will need:

1 bottle - wine bottle would be perfect
Scissors are optional as the paper is easy to rip


Tear off a strip of paper for the pot, about twice the height of the actual pot size you want. Wrap it around the bottle to shape the pot.

Fold the end of the paper around the base of the bottle to form the bottom of the pot.

This may take a few attempts to get the paper nicely wrapped together.

Stand the bottle up and press down to firm the base into place

Remove the bottle and voila! you have your pot.

1 comment:

  1. I love this tip. Really enjoy your blog


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