Saturday, 28 September 2013

Money Saving Tips Part 3

Even though the weather is still quite warm for the end of September, it's time to start thinking about the winter, which means fuel costs. So this weeks money saving thoughts are centered around energy.

1. Invest in heavy duty curtains, especially in the living areas of the house, and close them in all rooms at night. You could leave them closed all day in rooms that you are not using. It's all extra insulation.

2. Put draught stoppers along the base of doors. Even a rolled up towel or blanket would do.

3. Before you put on a load of washing, stop and think about what temperature you are setting the machine to. You might be in the habit of putting everything on the one setting, but do the clothes you are washing need 60 degrees of heat? Try separating your loads so you can wash some clothes on cold. It will make a big difference to your electricity bill.

4. Even if the weather isn't good enough to dry your laundry to a usable level, try to dry loads of clothes to some extent. Never put clothes straight from the washing machine to the tumble dryer. Try to let the wind do some work for you.

5. Keep your watering can outside the back door so you can pour any waste water from cooking [e.g. potatoes/veg/pasta/rice] straight in. It saves in water use, has all the tap water additives boiled out of it and contains some run off nutrients that will benefit your plants.

6. Double up on oven use so if you are doing a roast, maybe think about doing your baking on the same day so you are not preheating the oven twice.

So rethink your energy costs and soon you'll be flying high like mr monkey

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